On August 14, 2019, a team of harvesters from New York City arrived in Melbourne, Australia to mobilize churches and believers for Worldwide Vision Day. Worldwide Vision Day is a day when believers come together for one hour, with one voice, on one accord, worldwide to preach the gospel and be a witness of Jesus Christ.
It began on Saturday, July 5, 2014 with press coverage from Washington Post, New York Daily News and NBC Sports among others with the participation of many churches including former Warriors coach Mark Jackson and his church, True Love Worship Center in California, USA. It has continued since then on the first Saturday of every quarter.
To date, Worldwide Vision Day has been represented in over 150 countries. Numerous churches and ministries from different denominations have been involved. Millions of hours of videos have been released since 2014 featuring believers across the globe preaching the gospel, witnessing, ministering healing, manifesting miracles and even planting new churches.
Worldwide Vision Day has been featured at several world conferences including ‘PENTECOSTAL WORLD FELLOWSHIP’ alongside Reinhard Bonnke, Bishop Charles E. Blake Sr., Dr. Lee Youngmoon, etc. in Brazil in 2016 where a ‘Flame Award’ was received from the host Dr. Jose Wellington, president of Brazil’s 20 million Assemblies of God. The movement has been featured at other notable world conferences in stadiums, arenas, and mega-churches, in Central America, Europe, Africa, and Asia. It is also featured on several media networks including ‘THE WORD NETWORK’ of 100 million homes worldwide. A book has been published on the movement.
We are looking for churches and believers in Australia to join us in the next Worldwide Vision Day on Saturday, October 5, 2019, and thereafter, on the first Saturday of every quarter. The benefits are enormous. Churches that participate become a part of a global move united together with believers from different cultures in preaching Jesus Christ. From Worldwide Vision Day, churches have experienced numerical and spiritual growth with members evangelizing for the first time and new souls won to the kingdom of God. Furthermore, as churches and believers unite together on the same day worldwide, it triggers a revival. To get more information on how to participate in the upcoming Worldwide Vision Day go to www.worldwidevisionday.org.