Handing out tracts can be a good way to share the Gospel message with people that would otherwise not hear or read it.
Non-Christians are very unlikely to pick up a Bible, open it and search through the Scriptures to find and understand the Gospel message. That is why sometimes a “short and punchy” Gospel tract with a clear Gospel presentation can be effective in grabbing their attention, meeting them where they are and providing a simple clear message in a format they can keep and carry in their pocket or wallet.
Gospel tracts are available from most Australian Christian bookstores like WORD and KOORONG, but if you wish to find a broader variety, you are best to search online.
The famous cartoon tracts by Jack Chick |
“Are you a good person” tracts |
Some websites even have free tracts that you can freely download in PDF format to print your self on your home printer. However, most of the more impressive tracts do cost a small amount.
A simple Google search will reveal the huge variety and places that you can order them. From the Way of The Master’s Million Dollar Note tracts, to the black n’ white Cartoon Chick tracts, you are sure to find one that will grab a reader’s attention.
What is your favorite tract of all time? Add your Comments below.
4 Responses
I probably like the million dollar notes the best. They make it easy to start a discussion and almost everyone smiles when they first see them.
I have seen many varieties of them around now. Different ministries are producing their own and even secular businesses are now using them for marketing their products.
I got stopped in a shopping centre recently by one of those sales people promoting their product and they had a fake $50 note
I have to be honest and say that the Smiles tract from http://www.on-tract.com is my favorite. That’s probably because I wrote it.
Side one contains my favorite funny one-liners and side two has a powerful Gospel message told in three stories about a driver, a convict and a skydiver.
The one-liners make it very easy to give away. I give a copy to every person I meet.
I reckon this tract says it all:
I’ve led more people to Christ with the Bridge to Life tract, than any other. It uses Scripture and simple pictures to show people how to take the step of becoming a Christian. Since faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God, I think it is very important to have Scripture as the main message of any tract.