A Booklet for New Age Spiritualists

witnessing to new age people

Encountering The Eternal Guru

A potent seed plant for the Gospel

This attractive pocket-size booklet printed on Bible-thin paper, contains 10  wide-ranging testimonies including a Chicago architect, a Buddhist monk, a Jewish man, a New Age Girl, a South African soldier, a North African Muslim, a former Hindu persecutor of Christians and a corporate consultant with a 28 year experience in Indian spirituality. PLUS, an overview of the Bible, The Father’s Live Letter and the Gospel of John.
The booklet can be also variously titled according  to the audience being reached. Here,  ‘Guru’ is the Indian word for teacher–‘Rabi’ as Jesus is addressed as teacher in the Gospels.

17 Reasons for using “Encountering the Eternal Guru” as an excellent tool for evangelism. An excellent on ramp to the Gospel and a helpful aid for anyone to participate in the Great Commission.

  1. The gift of this booklet acts as an ice breaker to start conversation.
  2. It gets people’s attention. Without their attention you have nothing.
  3. It opens up a possible relationship and gives the receiver an opportunity to reach back for more.
  4. It’s attractively bound and printed. It’s not a throw away tract.
  5. Its title attracts, generating curiosity especially among seekers and non-Christians.
  6. The stories are written in a gentlemanly way, seeking to outshine rather than denigrate.
  7. No one argues with a story. Stories sail right passed a person’s defenses planting seeds for the gospel.
  8. It’s a definite seed plant. No seed, no fruit. No seed – nothing.
  9. It will probably pass through several hands. Good spread.
  10. Most people are fascinated to hear about a transformed life, from whatever angle.
  11. Well written testimonials prepare, open and motivate people to read the Gospels.
  12. It’s the easiest way to participle in the Great Commission.
  13. It’s time efficient participation—evangelism.
  14. It can be successfully used to contain contact details and a piece of paper; an invitation to attend a Christian introductory course.
  15. Receiving and reading the stories can be one of a possible five gospel exposures required (statistically evidenced) for someone to come to the Lord. Perhaps by giving the booklet you may be number one, three or five in someone finding new life in Jesus.
  16. Distributed quickly and widely among groups (in a light and non-aggressive manner) eg. in monasteries or among bands of travelers and so on, generates a “communal buzz” of gospel interest.
  17. Even if a person never comes to the Lord, a cultural contribution has been made: The recipient may realize that Evangelical Christians are not as odd as they once thought. The ten writers do not appear strange or silly.

Add further reasons for the use of the booklet yourself, and all for His glory alone! When a person reaches back for more we take them through an illustrated low fly over the tree tops of the Bible, then…then.. Voila, maybe salvation.

witnessing to new age people

The current booklet, following nine evolving print runs, is available in English, Hindi, Tibetan, French, soon in Hebrew and Swedish, and has been translated, though not printed, in Korean, German, Tamil and Marathi. The latest English version adds The Gospel of John!

God’s purpose for us: to glorify God and enjoy Him forever! I hope this is helpful for those who are on board with the Great Commission.

Michael Graham, YouTurn Works

Telephone, Australia +613 472522429 Email: youturnworks[AT]gmail.com

This booklet has an approximate cost, landed, of $US1.00 per copy in minimum orders of 200 copies.

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