You have probably heard of “Philip the Evangelist” (He was the one who explained the scriptures to the Ethiopian Eunuch in the Chariot and then baptized him).
Philip was not sinless or perfected in his faith but he became an evangelist for the Gospel.
Satan will try to destroy our witness and our testimonial because he knows that when we feel week about ourselves, then we are not confident about our Savior either.
Put your confidence in God and not in your own good works.
Our mission (the Great Commission) to reach the lost is far bigger and greater than ourselves. It does not hinge on our holiness (even though holiness should be our goal) and when we are walking in closeness with God, we will be more in-step with His voice and promptings. However, we will never be perfect or without sin on this side of heaven. But do not let that keep you from sharing your faith. Instead, let it drive you with compassion to share the love of a Saviour who, despite our weaknesses and failings, offers himself in our place as an atoning sacrifice that is Holy before God.
Like Philip, you too can become an evangelist for the Gospel of Jesus. You probably wont need a microphone, a soap box or a stage but you will need to open your mouth and speak forth the saving words of the Gospel into the lives of the people you come into contact with.
You don’t need to have a Bible college degree, a special anointing or a lineage of evangelist parents and grandparents. All you need to have is a basic understanding of how people can be saved through Jesus. If you know this and maybe a couple of Bible verses (I’m sure you know John 3 verse 16), then you already know more then the average unsaved person that you will talk to. If you don’t know the answer to one of their questions, you will not be struck down by lightening. Instead you can politely offer to help them find the answer (ie: direct them to where or by whom they can find the answer or you can offer to get back to them via phone, email etc…).
Remember, [insert your name here] YOU are an evangelist who is equipped with the Word of God and by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Read also:
Romans 10:14
How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?
ACTS 8:26 (Philip and the Ethiopian)