Biblical Evidences for Allowing Women to Preach?

Female Preachers - biblical evidence

It’s a question that often causes debate within church circles and also across denominations. Many avoid the discussion and the debate altogether and others will get quite heated shutting it down.  But what are the actual Biblical evidences for allowing or forbidding women from preaching. Firstly, let’s look at the bible verse that is quoted […]

Operating System Evangelism

Christian Operating Systems

Our users are exposed to God’s Word with several Bible versions, commentaries, dictionaries, maps, Christian teachings, daily devotionals, Christian videos, Bible games and more.

A Radical Sponsored Evangelism Concept

Sponsor an Evangelist

Every church must have evangelists in it somewhere! Most are not full time practicing evangelists but instead just do some on the side but still maintain regular secular careers. Some evangelists are hibernating and need to be woken, equipped and encouraged.

19 Covid Lessons the Church Cannot Ignore

Why “Back to Normal” Is Not an Option. The world has changed quickly. How will the Church respond? Will it grasp the opportunity to thrive – or wait for it to be over and “return to normal”? This book unravels exciting new ways to honor, serve, and bring God glory. Brilliantly written and thought-provoking.


disconnected heart and mind

Do you ever feel like your heart isn’t “feeling” what your mind knows about God?

How do we remove the disconnect between our mind and our heart? How is this affecting our evangelism?

Worldwide Vision Day, Melbourne

On August 14, 2019, a team of harvesters from New York City arrived in Melbourne, Australia to mobilize churches and believers for Worldwide Vision Day. Worldwide Vision Day is a day when believers come together for one hour, with one voice, on one accord, worldwide to preach the gospel and be a witness of Jesus […]

2019 Franklin Graham Tour

Sixty years ago, Billy Graham toured Australia to share the Good News of Jesus Christ. Franklin Graham will follow in his father’s footsteps and spread the Gospel in six Australian cities in February 2019. Learn more at Perth9 FebruaryRAC Arena (Perth Arena) Darwin13 FebruaryDarwin Convention Centre Melbourne16 FebruaryMelbourne Arena (Hisense Arena) Brisbane18 FebruaryRiverstage Adelaide20 […]

A Booklet for New Age Spiritualists

witnessing to new age people

A potent seed plant for the Gospel. This attractive pocket-size booklet printed on Bible-thin paper, contains 10 wide-ranging testimonies including a Chicago architect, a Buddhist monk, a Jewish man, a New Age Girl, a South African soldier, a North African Muslim, a former Hindu persecutor of Christians and a corporate consultant. 17 Reasons for using “Encountering the Eternal Guru” as an excellent tool for evangelism.

As Christian We are called to be ATHLETES

Disciplined Christian Disciples

If we lived in an Amish community in the country and had no outside influences, then we might be able to survive on a quick prayer and few bible verses per day, because we would have quiet hearts and be able to hear God’s gentle voice in our every activity as we walked with him.

The Problem With An Emergency Jesus

Oxygen Mask Evangelism

Why are we so caught up with our own struggles and problems as Christians instead of urgently reaching the lost? What is the answer to this problem? If you think of it like we are all on a plane, we are struggling to breath in the altitude of life…

10 Evangelism Tips from Brisbane Evangelist

Evangelism Tips Brisbane

Answers to questions like: 1. What advice would you give to those who are passionate about evangelism but have become disheartened by a lack of fruit? 2. What have you found to be the most effective steps for the cold calling street evangelism…

How to Witness to a Vegan Friend

How to share Jesus with a Vegetarian Vegan

How can we witness or evangelise to a vegan or vegetarian friend when our God allowed and required barbaric, animal sacrifices in the old testament?

Salvation versus Enlightenment

By Michael Graham. As a man formerly persuaded by the Far Eastern spiritual tradition out of India, with 28 years of disciplined practice, thousands of hours of meditation, and multiple charismatic experiences behind me, I feel qualified to comment upon and make a …

International Evangelist Visiting Perth

Evangelist visiting Perth WA

Visiting from the USA, Josiah Alway is an evangelist who has been preaching the word of God since he was 18 years old. He will be sharing a life changing message on April 3rd – 6th at 4:30 PM in the Murray Street Mall. Josiah’s website: